
Financing for Wholesaler & Distributor

BPF Solutions Wholesaler / Distributor Financing


We have spent over 17 years working with Wholesalers and Distributors as they start or grow their business. We ensure that you have access to all the funds you need to start or grow your company. Our experienced consultants help you structure your business for success and build a strategy to ensure you start efficiently and move quickly to the growth phase of the business lifecycle. Below are some of the loans we provide to the wholesale and distribution industry. We are here for you to make your business dreams come true.

Wholesaler / Distributor Loans We Provide


Expanding Product Lines


As your business grows, you will need to expand more product lines to fill up your inventory and support your customer needs. Our experts at BPF Solutions evaluate your business and provide you with a customized loan to purchase new product lines.

Updating Equipment


As technology improves, you will need up to date equipment which help you to work efficiently. Having an updated equipment not only reduce your cost but also save your time. At BPF Solutions, we do have different types of equipment loans to help your business works efficiently.

Purchasing Inventory


Having enough inventory is one of the most important principals of wholesale and distribution business. And it is a key factor to make your business active and running. At BPF Solutions, we provide you with low interest rate loans to have you a full inventory and move forward.

Expanding your team


You can boost your total productivity by adding new members to your team. The higher your company’s productivity, the more money you’ll be able to make in the long run. We can provide you a customized loan to facilitate your team expansion.

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your business journey.