
There are 8 major functions of all businesses: Vision, Marketing, Sales, Accounting, Operations, Human resources, IT, and Quality control. Mostly in SMEs, owners do most of the functions and they may not be very good in all areas. Plus, owners likely do not need or have the resources to hire 4 or 5 managers.

Hence, structuring involves hiring consultants to advise some critical areas and to hire as few people as possible. That’s the reason BPF Solutions comes in with all seventeen years of experience and expertise to help SMEs to do restructuring and detailed planning in advance.

Besides, doing the proper legal setup of the company and shareholder agreements is so crucial to avoid getting into a problem as SMEs move forward; and it is beneficial to have a plan to give you a prospect of where you will be in a month, a year or even more. What we as BPF Solutions provides is not only writing a plan but putting target objectives and action plans in a properly documented form so even if you as a business leave us you can go ahead on a right track.

Considering the importance of planning, it should be mentioned that without planning, advisory and business plans, most banks will underfund the businesses and that’s one of the reasons businesses fail as banks want more security and less investment.


For detailed and specific information you may contact us at 1.877.800.2731, 1.416.222.2909 or info@bpfsolutions.com

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